게임봉봉/게임음악 봉봉

[게임음악] 와우 OST 베스트 모음 World of warcraft bgm

누콩보콩 2021. 1. 18. 21:55


안녕하세요 친절한봉봉이입니다.

오늘은 와우 명곡 베스트곡을 뽑아봤습니다~

좋아하는 게임음악이 있다면 남겨주세요 :)



A Call to Arms - Tirion Fordring Hearthstone Theme

Invincible - Wrath of the Lich King

Echoes of the Past - World Of Warcrft

Arthas My Son - Wrath of the Lich King

Varian’s Theme - Heroes of the Storm

Night Song - Cataclysm

Wolf at the Gates - Warlords of Draenor

Stormwind - World of Warcraft

Orgrimmar - World of Warcraft

Tavern - World of Warcraft

Eleynn Forest - World of Warcraft

Xaxas-Cataclysm - World of Warcraft

Black Temple Illidari - The Burning Cruade

Heart Of Pandaria - Mists Of Pandaria

Anduin Theme - Legion

Ashvane Trading Company - Battle for Azeroth

Through the Roof of the world - Shadowlands

Night Song - World of Warcraft

A Call to Arms -World of Warcraft


[게임음악] 와우 OST 베스트 모음 WOW bgm

와우 명곡모음
